Looking for a gift for that high school graduate in your life?
We can help!
What is Success for Life 101?
It's a series of mini videos based on the multiple award-winning 'Strategies for Success" program that was created for a public high school in Rhode Island after the tragic suicide of a student who had been bullied.
Filled with lessons to empower and inspire teens, this program was recognized both locally and nationally because of the response of the teens who loved and embraced the lessons.
What kind of lessons?
Stress management
Learning styles and strategies
Goal setting
Financial literacy
How to be more positive
The power of questions
Coping strategies
Managing thoughts
And so much more...
Recognition for the program and the creator Marianne Douglas
Teacher of the Year
Teacher of the regional district
Outstanding RI Educator
Jefferson Award for Public Service
National Finalist Cable in the Classroom Leaders in Learning
Rhode Island College Alumni Service Award
Recipient of a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from the United States Senate
Recognized as a "Hero" by the Oprah Winfrey Show
What do teens have to say about the
Strategies for Success program this was based on?
Give them the gift of teen-loved life strategies with Success for Life 101
“The Strategies class changed my life forever. My behavior has been better toward my parents and I have been doing better in school.”
"We'll still be talking about this program 10 years from now"
“Taking Strategies for Success was one of the best choices I’ve ever made. Strategies can best be described as more than a class. It’s more like an opportunity to gain tips and advice that you can use your entire life.”
"Why isn't this program in every high school?"
“I learned how to be a better person.”
Hi! I'm Marianne Douglas,
the creator of both programs
Check out my welcome video here to learn more about Success for Life 101