I have watched the first 3 videos and am so excited to subscribe with my kids. While none of them are in high school yet, these are principals that I have been working on with them throughout their lives! Like many mothers, I have chosen to homeschool my children, and I am hoping it will be a permanent change.
I am so happy to have this as something positive to expose my children to!
I purchased the membership without my children having seen any of the free content. I was so impressed that I knew it would be valuable to them. When I went home that evening, I showed the first 2 videos to my 14 and 12 year old children. My son said “ Wow, I really like this lady. She has a lot of good stuff to say.” To get the buy in of a 14 year old boy is the true testimonial of the gift that you have Marianne. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in putting this program together.
Megan Reyes
What do students have to say about the
Strategies for Success program this course is based on?
"Thank you! I have learned so much about myself, about others that I couldn’t have figured out on my own. This course has truly made me aware of my own strengths and how I can overcome and get over the difficult things in my life. I’ve realized that no one is perfect and I don’t have to be either. Because of your words, I’ve realized I am my own person and I define my own success.
This is an excellent program. It shows you how to take real life problems and work through them while staying calm. These life lessons keep you smiling for days!
You made me a better person inside and out. I come from a very negative family and they all tell me to just be in the crowd. Don’t do nothing to stand out because I will embarrass myself. But earlier this week I went to interview at the “the writing center” and I had no note cards, no questions, nothing. I just walked up to them and did it off the top of my heard. I didn’t stumble. I didn’t mess up. I didn’t make them see that I was shy. I told my brain ‘thanks for sharing’ (when I had negative thoughts) but I’m going to do this interview whether I’m shy or not. It’s going to be done! I walked out feeling smart. I never felt so smart in my life. It was like everything my family told me, all the negativity was gone out of my head. It was so small but the feeling was beyond measure. I appreciate everything about you and what you did. I thank God for placing you in my life…thank you!!
“I learned how to be a better person.”
I feel so lucky about having the opportunity to take this program. I totally loved it. I wish from my heart that this program could be taught in all schools and colleges around the US and if possible, the world. I wish I could keep taking this program because there is always something new to learn. I just want to tell you that you are a star, a light. You gave me confidence and positivity. Every time I go through a bad situation, I will think about you and remember that positivity you have, that personality. You are the best. God bless you!
Thank you for being so full of life! I have never met anyone that carries themselves with so much charisma! You trulyARE the light :)♥!
This program helped me to understand who I was.
“The Strategies class changed my life forever. My behavior has been better toward my parents and I have been doing better in school.”