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Welcome to the
Thank a Shining Star
You're most likely here because someone noticed that you're a Shining Star! Thank you for being a positive influence in our community...our country...our world!
Who are we?
We are people who want to make a positive change in our world, one great employee, one great business person, one family member, one person at a time.
Our mission is to spread appreciation, gratitude and kindness through the simple act of giving a card to those who make our day in the hopes we are doing the same for them.
Why give a card?
Why not just a simple thank you?
Oprah once said we all just want to be heard, to be seen, to know we matter.
Giving someone a card does just that. It goes a step further than just saying 'Thank you.' It gives them something to hold, to post, to remember.
Why this act of recognition is so powerful
When the card is presented to someone:
it raises the seratonin (the feel good hormone) in the brain of the person who receives it
it gives them a boost to their immune system (who couldn't use that??)
Guess what?
It does the same thing to the person giving out the card (you) and anyone who witnesses you giving it out!
Win - Win - Win!!
Want to join the Thank a Shining Star movement? It's easy!
Want to order your own STARter pack of our cards?
Price: $7.50 for 20 cards (includes shipping and handling)*
* Orders of 40 to 100 cards require 'package' postage of $6.50.
Please add this amount to the total to pay for the additional postage
Click here using your favorite credit card, Paypal or Venmo.
Email us at if you want more than 100 cards or if you have any questions
NOTE: We do not charge anything other than the cost of cards and actual postage for our cards. Our goal is to make the world a bit more positive, not to make a profit.

Isn't it time we showed the Shining Stars in our lives how much we appreciate them?
Keep shining!!
2024 All Rights Reserved